
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year 'detox' may put your life at risk: experts

Health - New Year 'detox' may put your life at risk: experts

Breaking News : New Year 'detox' may do more harm than good, warn doctors after a woman in the UK who was drinking lots of fluids and taking various herbal remedies developed a potentially life-threatening complication.
Doctors from Milton Keynes Hospital in the UK said that patients should be advised of the potential harm of undertaking a New Year 'detox', especially if it involves consuming excessive amounts of fluid or alternative remedies.
The previously fit and well 47-year-old woman had been consuming more fluids and herbal medicines than usual, including valerian root, over the New Year period.
She was admitted to hospital following a brief period of confusion and repetitive behaviour, such as teeth grinding, which lasted for an hour. She then collapsed and suffered a seizure.
Her family said that she had increased thirst over the past few days and had been drinking more water and tea as a result, but they did not note this to be excessive.
She had also been taking herbal remedies for various minor symptoms and was regularly consuming milk thistle, molkosan, l-theanine, glutamine, vitamin B compound, vervain, sage tea, green tea and valerian root. (more)

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