Actress Vidya Balan, who is busy promoting her film "Kahaani 2" said the films story will connect with the masses and explained how she gets into the skin of a character in a film.
"The film has a universal story. Honestly, when I am doing something I completely enter into it and I don't think how the film will turn out," the National Award winning actress said.
Vidya, who went to radio stations on a promotion spree on Wednesday, spoke about her enjoyable experience there.
"I love radio trails a lot because RJs are very energetic and every station has something interesting happening. You don't get bored," she said.
The film "Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh" has been promoted in a different manner with wanted posters of the actress, who is playing the character "Durga Rani Singh", posted in public.
Asked if she is nervous about the film she said, "I am not nervous. I have done whatever I wanted to do. Now all we can do is give our best in promotions. We are promoting the film in a different manner, which keeps my interest and energy level going."(more)
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